The overall theme for the December Birthstone is Blue! From Deep Blue to Turquoise. Not everyone agrees with the official birthstone however, but the general consensus around the world is Blue Topaz, Zircon, Turquoise and Tanzanite. At Scarab Jewellery our preference for December is Blue Topaz and Turquoise. We have a lovely selection of rings, earrings, bracelets and Pendants or Necklaces available online suitable for the December Birthstone.

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Secret Scarab Oval Blue Topaz Pendant

R4,200 incl. VAT

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Silver Blue Topaz Daisy Drop Pendant

R2,650 incl. VAT

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Sky Blue Topaz Heart Pendant

R3,300 incl. VAT
R2,100 incl. VAT
Gold Scarab Natural Turquoise Bead Necklace by Scarab Jewellery Studio